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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for May 2008 « page 4
addicted to this De Pere City Council mtg on my DVD recorder; what are they doing to my city?
@btoneil twittermap shows you located northwest of Kansas City, south of Lincoln NE
@btoneil if you just go to twittermap.com you can scroll the map to your location and see yourself there
@btoneil I’m finding the twittermap thing to be a bit clunky; little problems here and there; might stop doing it
making flv files
adding social networking icons/links to press releases; apparently there are social networks where I haven’t been too social
Annual trek. Lunch at Krolls West. Then across the street to pay for my Packer tickets.
must. get. coffee.
just finished getting through the daily morning e-mail at the l:office: took a bit longer than usual today
heading out to quartet rehearsal in l:Kimberly, WI: NWS says 20% chance of rain, very cool, I can take my motorcycle and save gas