Tweet Archive for October 2008

@JiMpiSh motwit is for Palm OS, kind of cheesy actually; is better

in reply to JiMpiSh — 6:00pm Oct 31 2008 —

gotta cut the grass for the last time today, then close the pool, then lunch, then plenty of time to catch the West De Pere HS football game

6:00pm Oct 31 2008 —

trying to think of what else I can tweet about that would use exactly 140 characters; nothing worthwile comes to mind right now; maybe later

6:00pm Oct 31 2008 —

OK, that last tweet was a bit rash. I now understand that some self-conscious tweeters out there might bask in the glory of 140 char tweets.

6:00pm Oct 31 2008 —

tweet140 is the dumbest thing I’ve seen on the internet in 15 years. Why would anyone try so hard to make sure they tweet at only 140 chars?

6:00pm Oct 31 2008 —

checking out MoTwit; hmmm

6:00pm Oct 31 2008 —

ok, I got a bit distracted introducing my daughter to the world of twitter; now I really gotta get outside, cut the grass and close the pool

6:00pm Oct 31 2008 —

it’s been a long week; this will be a good weekend

6:00pm Oct 30 2008 —

writing a script to fix file permissions and ownership on a linux box

6:00pm Oct 29 2008 —

zimbra implementation is going very well, but sucking all the time from my schedule; gotta take care of some projects that got ignored

6:00pm Oct 29 2008 —