Tweet Archive for January 2009 « page 2

perfect apple cinnamon oatmeal recipe: 2 of those instant packets; 1 cup water; zap it on high for 2 minutes; 1/2 cup of cold milk; oh yeah!

6:00pm Jan 27 2009 —

the power outtage ended 8 hours ago; the blinking clock here in my home office is bugging the crap out of me; I guess I’ll get up and set it

6:00pm Jan 27 2009 —

@Mike_Giesen all I know is west side; here at St. Norbert College, our power was out from 3:48pm to 4:47pm (59 minutes)

in reply to Mike_Giesen — 6:00pm Jan 27 2009 —

looks like the power outtage spread throughout a section of the city of De Pere

6:00pm Jan 26 2009 —

no power on the St. Norbert campus for the last hour; it just came back up at 4:50pm

6:00pm Jan 26 2009 —

in the weekly Zimbra meeting; discussing the project; things are progressing well

6:00pm Jan 26 2009 —

flipping through the channels, stumbled on “Good Will Hunting” on Bravo; I’ve seen it a dozen times, but what the heck, once more wont hurt.

6:00pm Jan 26 2009 —

sick of listening to people slam the Bush presidency; what a bunch of crap; the campaign is over folks; pull your head out and look ahead eh

6:00pm Jan 26 2009 —

just read an article in Time about the analog to digital TV conversion, and it mentioned the passing of “vertical hold”; geez, the memories.

6:00pm Jan 25 2009 —

@bmaas71 yeah, great guitar; but I’ve always like how they could make a flute in a rock band sound cool

6:00pm Jan 25 2009 —