- Scott Crevier
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- crevier
- www.crevier.org
- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for January 2009 « page 7
ooooh, just noticed the “narrow columns” option in Tweetdeck; didn’t see that one before; very nice
wish there was a way to set Tweetdeck groups/prefs, and save them a server somewhere instead of locally; better for home/work computer use
@JiMpiSh been using Tweetdeck for some time; good idea though to use it better; perhaps I just need to re-arrange some groups
I’m missing out on some interesting tweets; seems I’m following too many people; I’ll have to shed a few in the coming days
monitor has been a bit fuzzy for a few days; just took off my reading glasses and cleaned them; it’s like a new prescription! holy crap.
gotta make some huge progress on taxes today
optimizing De Pere Mobile so it looks good in Safari on the iPhone/iPod Touch m.depere.com/
SplashID makes a great Memo/Notes app for iPhone /iPod Touch; syncs perfectly with the desktop via wifi; www.splashdata.com/iphone/
taking the polar plunge for special olympics; pls support me and the athletes with your online pledge; $5 is all I ask z20.us/plunge
long day of coding; got lots done though; good stuff