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Tweet Archive for March 2009 « page 23
not receiving tweets via text message again; Cellcom better have some answers
gotta get up early to fire up the snowblower; time for bed
@PatHop glad you’re home safe; I went skiing at Norway Mt today in Mich., just for the day; the drive home was nasty; 40MPH most of the way
removing viruses from Randy’s computer. again.
RT @SaraJChipps: truly a kindred spirit and a beautiful soul http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/7929/timemachine.jpg
Google needs to buy Saisuke z20.us/saisuke
Saisuke is the coolest iPhone/iPod Touch app that I’ve seen; the calendar functions blow way Apple’s native calendar z20.us/saisuke
I wish I got a commission for every new tweep that I recruit.
okay, I’m about to get knee deep in some perl code for a couple hours; nobody call me
finally documenting all the web site video specs that we decided on over the past 6 months; it seems that we’re straying a bit on ocassion