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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for March 2009 « page 3
@bradjward I opened my Twitter ticket 3/9; they ignored it; I updated it 5 times in 12 days; they closed it 3/21 cuz it was open too long ??
RT @mikeschinkel: Twitter has changed “@replies” at the beginning of a tweet to “mentions” anywhere in a tweet: http://is.gd/pLaZ
@alifeinbeta yep, Cellcom says it’s fixed; mine started coming back slowly over the weekend
RT @jazzychad: is there a current iphone app that allows you to transfer off multiple pics/photos to a computer over the air?
@AngenetteWFRV that does indeed sound girly; just get one of these then smcurl.com/z008 I have a black one that’s similar
@AngenetteWFRV there’s also the iPod Touch, which is what I have; “the funnest iPod ever” www.apple.com/ipodtouch/
RT @pseroogy: so who am I supposed to follow? @gbpressgazette or @gbpg ?
RT @nicbeining: Twitter service has been restored on Cellcom’s network. Tweet away…
Prince’s LotusFlow3r is a concept-type album smcurl.com/3cd reminds me of Purple Rain and Styx’s Kilroy Was Here (1983)
@AngenetteWFRV no idea about the refurbished ipods; just started following @woot last week; keeping my eyes open for a good deal