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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for April 2009 « page 21
I am very much looking forward to how I’ll feel after Mass tonight, and more so how I’ll feel after the Triduum is over this weekend
Holy Thursday Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes in De Pere, WI is at 7:30pm; choir members will arrive early for warm up; the Triduum is here
RT @tmmeyer: The Triduum is finally here, the summation of the entire year is fulfilled in these next three days.
@jzurawski yes. I’ll be at a meeting just before that, but I’ll be back at my office by 2; maybe just e-mail me with what you have in mind
@gbpg but if you’re not actually the Green Bay Press-Gazette, then you should make that clearer; I’ve been confused, and I know others have
@pseroogy that map is very cool
RT @pseroogy: Zappo’s real-time shoe sales map www.zappos.com/map/
Nick Adenhart killed in automobile crash, just hours after pitching for the Anaheim Angels bit.ly/kGMn
RT @thecompassnews: Green Bay Diocese announces Chancery relocation; property to be sold http://tinyurl.com/coayl5
RT @DailyMass: Holy Thursday. This is the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper. His hour has come. – http://twurl.nl/2smonm