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Tweet Archive for June 2009 « page 5
@nicksentowski 3 more chances to see “RENT School Edition”; opening night was fantastic; Kimberly HS should be proud! http://smcurl.com/rent
hey CNN, HLN, FOXNews, MSNBC et al, it’s been 12 hours, Michael Jackson’s death is no longer “breaking news”
some day I’ll dig up a photo that you tweeps might enjoy
geez, in the 80s, I wore a Michael Jackson Thriller leather jacket, identical except white and black (instead of red/black) #closetmjfan
it’s close to
Thriller video on MTV now; Vincent Price; holy cow, the memories; thanks @jimpish for the heads up
7pm in Appleton WI; curtain’s up for RENT School Edition at Lawrence Univ; performed by Kimberly HS students
oh yeah! I got WordPressMU installed and working on SuSE Linux; 1st tried 3 years ago, failure upon failure; this is the day, let us rejoice
@pseroogy well, unless they link to a 15.5% coupon or something