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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for July 2009 « page 15
@BeerLuver clarification: carrying a loaded gun is okay; but we have an ordinance against looking “all bad ass”
@CameraCorner got plenty to do; gotta make time to see our city decisions being made live; our alderpersons do a fantastic job
@jonathanderson nothing controversial on the agenda; just regular city happenings
another very interesting De Pere City Council meeting
current law says it’s okay to walk down the street in De Pere, WI with loaded gun/rifle in plain view; just can’t discharge it
at De Pere City Hall for the city council meeting
RT @Adam_Schefter: A happy marriage. No team at one training camp longer than @packers at @stnorbert in DePere, WI. Fifty-two years now, 52!
new iPhone optimized web site at i.depere.com/ this is version 1, still MUCH to do, but I’m interested in your feedback so far
amazing what NASA accomplished 40 years ago, without today’s technology; going to the moon today should be simple, relatively speaking
@ECwagner your mission, should you choose to accept it…