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Tweet Archive for August 2009 « page 20
@geekdotcom trying to speed up Outlook is like trying to make dog dung smell nice
what makes your local computer expert a computer expert? xkcd.com/627/ (tip @alexquail)
@alexquail that’s awesome
anyone know how to tell @hootsuite to suppress all incoming tweets that mention “michael jackson”? would appreciate a response ASAP.
RT @usaa_news: USAA hits $10 million in deposits in 1st 2 weeks w/ Deposit@Mobile + 200K downloads of USAA Mobile App for iPhone.
@UWM_CIO I don’t understand why people reply on twitter; I never do
@angelario thanks, but we’re not selling tickets, we’re just signing up volunteers to work
@hootsuite_help any way to move (or copy) a column from one tab to another?
@hootsuite_help OK, thanks; on this monitor, I can get 5 cols on tweetdeck but only 4 on hootsuite; hmmm.
@hootsuite_help thx; that slider allows me to select 4 columns; but I want to make my columns smaller so I could perhaps be able to select 5