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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for January 2010 « page 14
wrote off $1739.84 of bad debt for 2009; constantly going after money sucks; too much mister nice guy; way too much!
it sucks that my most recent client to bail on me w/o paying is www.CrevierMinistries.org/ (my 9th cousin once removed)
@kprentiss I’m checking out freshbooks; if I were still doing this full time, I’d jump into that right away; looks pretty cool
@kprentiss haven’t tried those; I’m pretty low volume now-a-days, but I still HATE it; I’ll check them out; thanks
RT @jgramins: “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” – Thomas Jefferson
RT @glitz: Very impressed by @pioneercu marketing team! They get it!
@pseroogy for me, testing of 4sq and similar utils is done at home/office; so that’s where the check-in happens @gegere @glitz @jaimy_marie
France joins Germany warning against Internet Explorer bit.ly/66l13Q
@SciencePunk …then Date will be listed twice; select your Date header and use something like “contains” “Mon” to only run it on Mondays
@SciencePunk when you add a new filter, from the header drop-down, select “Customize” and add the ‘Date’ header to the list…