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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for March 2010 « page 2
beautiful evening, 61°F on my front porch in @deperewi #wxreport
RT @wfrv5: Excited to see @crevier on our news tonight! <- FTR not in trouble; just went to Lambeau at lunch to pay for my @Packers tickets
it’s sunny and 67°F in @deperewi; just turned on my desk fan for the first time this year…well, the first time for temperature reasons
important football day today: payment for @Packers season tickets due today; @NFL 2010 schedule released by 2pm central
watching a webinar from @HannonHill about #CascadeServer Velocity format/scripts
RT @ryancordell: RT @hastac: so relieved to be a Geek! Diff between Nerd, Dork, and Geek http://bit.ly/9jBINr <- quite proud to be a GEEK
RT @ninanolan: @mcounter‘s mom makes THE best chocolate chip cookies … just saying <- I wouldn’t know…just saying
followed @scottkwalker to learn more about Scott Walker; unfortunately 7 of his last 20 tweets are about Tom Barrett; shame
RT @jswanski: she truly has 2 left feet..TERRIBLE! <- OH GOD, and she’s way over-analytical too; too bad judges gave them 5’s; should be 2’s