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Tweet Archive for July 2010 « page 6
the forum questioners are all over the place; no rhyme/reason; running out of topics, rehashing old ones 40 mins later; let voters ask now
it’s 7:50 pm, we’re 30 mins into the forum; still no power/lights/sound; candidates are speaking clearly though, can hear fine
130 souls in the audience at New London HS
the forum has started at New London HS with no power; can barely see the candidates via emer. lights; can hear fine though
still no power at New London HS; if we do this via emer. lights, the video will suck
still no power at New London HS; emer. lights only via generator; hearing rumblings of larger outage throughout the town
approx 75 people in the audience for the GOP 8th congressional district forum at New London HS; stage still black
think I got a good spot in NLHS auditorium to record video; we’ll see; still kinda dark though; stage is black
today has been busier than usual; juggling several balls right now, hoping to land them all before 5:00
forum ended at 9:15; enjoyed it thoroughly; just briefly chatted with @ReidRibble; excited!