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Tweet Archive for January 2011 « page 13
hey @stnorbert web people, got a question about using #CascadeServer? open lab this morn 10:30-11:30, Cofrin 101; no resv needed
my Confirmation candidates working on quilt squares twitpic.com/3pik2d
the Church of St. Norbert in Quebec; this is cool ow.ly/3CPsx
it’s much easier to write “2011” than it is to write “2010”
@akabruno each list has its own administrator; for support issues you can contact @snchelpdesk
President Obama calls for national moment of silence for victims of Tuscon shooting, at 10:00am central ow.ly/3B8cz
hey @stnorbert web people, still room in my #CascadeServer workshop this morn at 9:30am; if you want in, call me x.4335 http://bit.ly/5xaa5K
RT @HenryJennings A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away.-Barry Goldwater #tcot
@peteseroogy Seattle was such a big underdog this weekend that they just seemed like the away team; interesting weekend of football