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Tweet Archive for March 2011 « page 16
@shelleyKeith figured it out; however the 3.1 wp-config.php on the site upgraded from 2.8 wpmu is diff than a 3.1 new install wp-config.php
RT @APStylebook: today we change AP style from e-mail to email <- the same people who think “web site” is one word; not a very reputable org
@shelleyKeith do you have any info about EXACTLY what the auto upgrade process does with the ftp data (host,user,pswd) you provide?
@shelleyKeith another wp 2.8 to 3.1 upgrade worked just fine; but that one was not MU, only had the one site; now I’ve got multiple sites;
@shelleyKeith the automatic stuff has never worked on my server; we use much more secure access methods than ftp/sftp
anyone have experience converting a WordPress MU site to WordPress 3? can’t access mysql db; gotta be something simple
RT @ecampusnews Private colleges for half the price of public universities? Admission expert dishes his secrets http://ow.ly/4hrKw #highered
RT @geoffwild11: Lunch was awesome <- I give it a C+
phone storage is full again on my HTC Desire from @CellcomWI; can’t view any incoming text messages; just wrong; very poor design
@knightrunner22 yeah, just dumb stuff about our football team; somewhat harmless, but still not good