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Tweet Archive for March 2011 « page 18
@joelvanfossen yeah, there were always a few “gotchas” that I had to mention in my #CascadeServer workshop that are now improved
just talked to Mom (as I do often); she’s been battling breast cancer for years and is the ultimate example of perseverance
@cgrymala no I haven’t; looks interesting though, thanks for the link
trying to figure out why this WordPress upgrade failed last night; two other wp upgrades went fine; database stuff
somebody at @JohnCarrollU vandalized the @StNorbert wikipedia article yesterday, twice
RT @wallypingel: If you didn’t request a feature, the lack of that feature does not constitute a ‘bug’…
got 3 of 4 upgrades done; had database issues with the 4th; crap; I’ll have to try again another day
RT @sncit: home server WordPress upgrade to v3.1 is complete; web site is now available
RT @sncit: shutting down blog server for WordPress upgrade, affecting Career Services and Admissions blogs; will be back up by 1am
RT @sncit: #CascadeServer upgrade to version 6.7.6 is complete; system is now available for login