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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for March 2011 « page 20
U.S. military blocks employees from popular websites to free bandwidth for Japan recovery efforts bit.ly/guFY0E
RT @ninanolan: 85 degrees and not a cloud in the sky! #lifeisgood http://plixi.com/p/84200124 <- I see clouds; looks horrible
trying to view a txt msg on my Android HTC Desire from Cellcom: “Phone storage is full. Delete some files to free space.” stupid
beautiful; don’t forget you still have to come back to work next week
RT @DePereWI map of the new Shell station going up on west side of De Pere, near Walmart http://dpwi.us/construction
sooo easy to add your favorite MLB team schedule to your Google Calendar or Zimbra; perfect use of ical www.mlb.com/
RT @_carlwinslow Just found out yesterday st. Norbert is a catholic college, chngd my mind about going there, how ignorant, Um hello…saint
RT @kim: Time Warner Cable launches iPad app that shows live TV http://bit.ly/f5Oapy <- now you can have TV in “any room in the house”!
hey @ninanolan I’m waiting for a twitpic