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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for March 2011 « page 25
starting my #CascadeServer workshop at @stnorbert in Cofrin 108 right now http://twitpic.com/48hitb
blog post: newspaper headline is irresponsible and deceiving smc4.us/679
ok, now I see why my brother @seancrev likes Kid Rock so much; great interview with @piersmorgan on @CNN
blog post: education association president raises issue with pro-Walker t-shirt smc4.us/666
I’ve got room for about a dozen more souls in my #CascadeServer workshop tomorrow 9:30am at @stnorbert register now http://bit.ly/5xaa5K
@jenniferdieter heartbreaking indeed
RT @PGPattiZarling 57% of kids in Green Bay schools are eligible for free or reduced lunches; was 52% last yr, state DPI says <- #speechless
RT @PGPattiZarling The GB Area Catholic Education system names Allan Patek its new president, to replace retiring Carol Conway-Gerhardt
keeping a colleague and former boss in my prayers these days; life’s not fair