Tweet Archive for March 2011 « page 26

hey @stnorbert web people, know someone who needs to learn #CascadeServer? sign up for tomorrow’s workshop

1:26pm Mar 10 2011 —

now all the wet stuff on the @DePereWI roads last night is frozen; very slippery out there; take it easy

7:12am Mar 10 2011 —

@sncsid sftp should work the same from overseas; just gotta make sure you have good internet access

in reply to sncsid — 4:50pm Mar 9 2011 —

many thanks to the @UWGB public safety officer who lent me a hand in the Wood Hall parking lot today

2:41pm Mar 9 2011 —

snowing pretty good now in @DePereWI; roads aren’t too bad if you just take it easy

7:51am Mar 9 2011 —

had to set my caller id computer to hang up on whoever keeps calling us from “Malibu CA”; take that!

7:08am Mar 9 2011 —

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

7:05am Mar 9 2011 —

RT @peteseroogy: Play a game in your URL bar

11:08pm Mar 8 2011 —

no ETA from SpiraLight on the repair of the cut fiber that affects our internet access

4:29pm Mar 8 2011 —

the @stnorbert football team should start taking a web developer on road trips, you know, to make sure web sites and stuff are working

4:21pm Mar 8 2011 —