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Tweet Archive for March 2011 « page 27
RT @stnorbert: St. Norbert to Open 2012 Football Season in Dublin, Ireland – http://ht.ly/4anyJ
@ccschmitz hey, how about racquetball, next Wed 3/16? 5pm?
@ccschmitz not v4 yet; I use Firefox and Chrome about equally, maybe 60% Firefox 40% Chrome; like ’em both
I’ve never liked that Chrome has no title bar, and displays page titles in the tab; can’t see them
a light dusting of snow overnight does wonders for the landscape on the St. Norbert College campus twitpic.com/47gfip
RT @ccubed only Hunter would carry an icicle into the house from outside. that dog sure does love his ice.
mens hockey: St. Norbert to host quarterfinal game Sat 3/12 7pm at Cornerstone; here’s the NCAA D3 bracket: bit.ly/dEiih4
@chriswiegman Thx; I use Thunderbird too with Google Contacts 0.6.34 add-on; still can’t figure it out in there; “copy” is grayed out
right now on TV: Les Mis concert on WPT, Forrest Gump on TBS.
@ChrisWiegman one Google account