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Tweet Archive for March 2011 « page 35
sig alert on the 91 Fwy in Fullerton CA; I sure don’t miss SoCal traffic; if you don’t know what a sig alert is, good bit.ly/fmRKVg
Christina Aguilera arrested for public drunkenness this morn. in Hollywood; Arlington TX police should have done this bit.ly/g9w1ks
RT @pathop: @crevier Are we arguing or agreeing? I’m confused. <- me too
RT @pathop: This is the speech Walker should have given before the events of the past couple weeks. Sounds logical & reasoned.
@pathop content rules!
@pathop yeah, hey, lighten up on @fox11news; if you don’t need their tweets, don’t get them
@pathop we gotta get our e-CAAAAAAHHHN-omy moving forward
Ahman Green will be back in football next season, in Canada yhoo.it/f6g3FB
Google declares war on content farms; it’s about time; worst offenders are blogs who just repost other blogs bit.ly/fh9sO5