- Scott Crevier
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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for July 2011 « page 10
17-yr-old daughter calls: “can I borrow your jumper cables?”; me: “yes, you need help?”; daughter: “no, I know how to jump a car”; me: proud
been pretty frustrated for a long time with Windows 7 search; downloaded Super Finder XT, found my file right away bit.ly/qXgYRW
info/dates on upcoming elections in Brown County WI are available on the county web site bit.ly/ngsSbe
WI Senate Dist 30 (GB) recall election is today: Hansen vs VanderLeest; WI Senate Dist 2 (@DePereWI) election is 8/9: Cowles vs Nusbaum
RT @jacqjl: Get out & vote! RT @gbpressgazette: Wisconsin’s 30th Senate District kicks off recalls today….. http://gbpg.net/qau6g4
RT @katvandenheuvel: Hoping the weather cooperates for Knights on the Fox @stnorbert tonight!
US post office counter in @DePereWI opens at 9am; that’s convenient
RT @AaronRodgers12: I definitely haven’t been contacted about anything in gb this weekend, for the record
still 2 spots open in my @stnorbert #CascadeServer workshop today at 1:30pm; register now http://bit.ly/5xaa5K
my @Garmin nuvi 2350LMT pronounces my street name, St. Joseph St, as “street joseph street”