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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for August 2011 « page 15
defense drills at #Packers training camp, Larry McCarren looks on 20 yds away http://twitpic.com/64mui0
special teams drills at Ray Nitschke Field, #Packers training camp http://twitpic.com/64mplx
RT @highedweb: Aaaaaand we’re back! The #heweb11 site has returned to normal, so get out there and register! http://2011.highedweb.org/
@lanejoplin I’m arriving Saturday noonish; hoping to get some racquetball somewhere, or maybe hit the LBJ museum Sat aft/eve #heweb11
RT @stnorbert: We like the sound of that! RT @sassymolassy21: Training hard to get a 3rd consec conf champ for @stnorbert basketball <- word
we’ve have a @stnorbert emer web site on a server in Madison for 3+ yrs; used it for the first time yestrdy during our extended power outage
I hate sneezing inside my motorcycle helmet. Beautiful day for a lunch hour ride in the @DEPEREWI area!
@lanejoplin cool; I’m not much of a runner though; hmmm; my exercise is racquetball; I’m up for a good racquetball match at #heweb11 anyone?
it’s Wednesday, it’s 10:00am, it’s Sacred Hour on the @stnorbert campus
@lanejoplin okay, I’ll bite, what’s #hewebrunners ?