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Tweet Archive for August 2011 « page 2
RT @scubdog: Rick Perry: Social Security ‘is a Ponzi Scheme’ bit.ly/ofxYVC
sign in window: “God is great, beer is good, people are crazy, so buy insurance” twitpic.com/6djjtq
record setting enrollment at @stnorbert; these are exciting times! bit.ly/pjlBC8
RT @corday: First day of classes at St. Norbert. An almost indescribably beautiful campus, custom-built to serve students well.
RT @gbpolice: Green Bay Police Seek Assistance Locating People Throwing Nails from a Vehicle nixle.us/7T2H3
such a beautiful night last night, walked home from the SNC opening celebration (left car there); now walking to work; beautiful morning!
RT @leftylea Angels on ESPN #winning <- losing
good to see @DePereWI police pulling drivers over for speeding on the Claude Allouez bridge; gotta slow that traffic down
RT @njagielski: Freshman Move-In Day 2012 wp.me/p1BO12-35 <- nice article