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Tweet Archive for March 2012 « page 2
engines from Apollo 11 (July 16, 1969) discovered in the Atlantic Ocean x40.us/HnIXxU
RT @leftylea: Almost my birthday! #25hours #18yearsold #soexcited 🙂 <- voting age, just in time; very cool!
RT @jeffash26: Former #UWGB coach Matt Bollant introduced at Illinois. Streaming live now at bit.ly/H0MHqB
it’s Wednesday, it’s 10:00am, it’s Sacred Hour on the @stnorbert campus bit.ly/sncsacred
RT @nflprguy: Giants to host Cowboys in season-opening game on Wed, 9/5 on NBC, 8:30p ET. #can‘twait
@jasonjwilde looks like @TCrabtree83 tweeted it at 2:08pm, earlier than any others I saw; could have been others though
can’t have Google messing with my contacts; so I just deleted all my #GooglePlus circles; now my contacts are back to normal
test your web forms people, test your web forms!!
@pgdougschneider Manitowoc Co has had its share of car crash victims; hopefully that community can now be given some time to grieve/recover