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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for July 2012 « page 11
at last night’s @DePereWI city council meeting, I asked staff for statistics to show if our sex offender residency ordinance is effective
@sbaeten the garage sale limit will be good for neighborhoods where certain residents are having too many sales, attracting too much traffic
@jamievoster I just tweeted the recipe; enjoy; let me know how it turns out!
if you need a last minute idea for a July 4th meal, here’s @randycrevier‘s recipe for Cheesy Potatoes twitpic.com/a3kjp5
I think I’ll take a screen shot of this minified JavaScript code and make a puzzle out of it
if memory serves, I think @randycrevier‘s cheesy potatoes debuted at the Jun 6, 2009 @GBTweetUp hosted by @peteseroogy and @lseroogy
hey @randycrevier, @fast800 wants your recipe for cheesy potatoes so they can make it tomorrow; can you get it?
@amy__bailey best rule for roundabouts is that there are no rules; ignore all printed pubs; just drive slow and follow the signs
@beckkn @ccubed there have been recent changes in accessing Google docs with snc.edu e-mail address; pls contact @snchelpdesk
nice! RT @peteseroogy: Here’s me complaining in the Press Gazette about road construction in GB. gbpg.net/LMQj2b