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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for July 2012 « page 7
gotta install a few php extensions before I do this on the live server
tried running my standard MySQL dump script: “can’t take a dump on moodle”
upgrading Moodle from v1.9.13 to v2.2.4 #hmmm
RT @wallypingel: Chanticleer’s version of Franz Biebl’s Ave Maria? Yes please.
is the pope Catholic? RT @PGDougSchneider: Show of hands: Do you ever watch local govt meetings online, either live or via archives?
RT @deperewi: De Pere Historical Society Picture Show, 7pm at West De Pere HS, with McKim Boyd and Joe Seroogy, free goo.gl/Bjkq9
@tsand hoping to see a blog post somewhere that explains the whole @youtube schtick
RT @gegere: Thinking about using Dropbox API to integrate another online service. Charge a small fee for access. The gears are turning…
constituent just called me; doesn’t want chickens in the city; so glad she took the time
RT @peteseroogy: The 11 Ways That Consumers Are Hopeless at Math bit.ly/Ng8X1r