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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for February 2013 « page 7
@sncsid don’t know what I can do, but I will indeed raise the issue with our traffic engineer
you talking about westbound Main, to southbound Lawrence? RT @sncsid: Whoever decided to not put a left turn arrow…
spotted Bob Harlan waiting in the wings at Lambeau Field Atrium pic.twitter.com/aSPGmxfx
voting for repeal of @DePereWI sex offender residency ord: Crevier, Boyd, Kneiszel, Robinson, Bauer; against: Lueck, VanVonderen
we voted to repeal the @DePereWI sex offender residency ordinance, 5-2; since it was not unanimous, it requires 2nd vote at our next mtg
hoping that if any @DePereWI residents have opinion on sex offender residency ordinance, you’ll come to City Council mtg tonight at 7pm
no time to talk to media today; really sorry I couldn’t return calls to @DePereWI residents; already at City Hall for evening meetings
getting many msgs today regarding @DePereWI sex offender residency ordinance; sorry media, no time to get back to you all; maybe later
RT @hops_pop: @crevier Best anthem ever: Marine band/choir recording playing at Fort McHenry visitor center while giant flag flies above
sorry, a bit under the weather yesterday; it was a “B” RT @peteseroogy: Waiting patiently for @crevier‘s critique of The national anthem.