Tweet Archive for May 2013 « page 2

RT @rclemmons: It’s official — I’m now Vice President for @stnorbert @sncits, in addition for Chief Information Officer. Yippee!

7:05pm May 14 2013 —

RT @PeteSeroogy: Why didn’t people complain about lack of privacy when all our names, addresses and phone numbers were put in a book and fr…

2:47am May 14 2013 —

RT @rclemmons: Congrats to @sncits Rob Downard’s daughter Amanda, who graduates today. Your @stnorbert ITS family is proud of you, Amanda!!

9:03pm May 12 2013 —

RT @rclemmons: Congrats to @sncits‘s Kelsey Herrick, who just received her degree! (technically in Dec, but walked today). Great job, Kelse…

9:03pm May 12 2013 —

Baccalaureate Mass is underway at @stnorbert watch live

2:37pm May 12 2013 —

RT @sncits: the @stnorbert Baccalaureate Mass begins at 9:15am central; watch it live here

1:57pm May 12 2013 —

the Gehl-Mulva Science Center ground breaking ceremony earlier today at @stnorbert video: /cc @MedicalCollege

3:34am May 11 2013 —

I call home; me: “what’s Mom doing”; @caseymae: “standing there looking pretty” #duh

11:35pm May 10 2013 —

pretty cool standing at our @sncits Service Desk today, watching Amy help Dudley Birder (a 55 year employee) fix email on his iPhone #gem

11:31pm May 10 2013 —

ground breaking underway at the Gehl-Mulva Science Center at @stnorbert

6:35pm May 10 2013 —