Tweet Archive for May 2014 « page 2

finishing up some yard work; gonna head over to #celebratedepere later in @DePereWI

6:49pm May 24 2014 —

38 agenda items for tonight’s @DePereWI city council meeting; gonna be a long one

12:30am May 21 2014 —

this is @cbrennansports speaking about Title IX at @stnorbert #sportandsociety

2:33pm May 20 2014 —

listening to @cbrennansports: “Title IX Plus 40: The Incredible Success of Women in Sports…” #sportandsociety

2:21pm May 20 2014 —

been tweeting 6 yrs, just figured it today; if you want your tweets favorited, retweeted dozens of times, just mention @Gildie22 #snc2014

2:42am May 19 2014 —

congrats to @KheenanH on completeing the Cellcom half marathon today in 2:54:52 (13:21 min/mile pace)!

10:40pm May 18 2014 —

@KheenanH yes; Livestream still has it, but Communications will be making a more polished version and will publish it to YouTube

in reply to KheenanH — 9:39pm May 18 2014 —

when you work with great people, you accomplish great things @sncits @neilamonst3r @fast800 @sncvideoguy #snc2014

9:26pm May 18 2014 —

well deserved standing O for @Gildie22 @stnorbert commencement! #snc2014

8:28pm May 18 2014 —

love hearing @Gildie22, West De Pere HS grad, student commencement spkr @stnorbert; smart, well grounded #snc2014

8:26pm May 18 2014 —