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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for October 2016 « page 6
“ask not what your country can do for you…”, one of the best lines uttered by a U.S. president pic.twitter.com/UtqPmvSRQD
learning about #designthinking; running ideas/scenarios with these professionals from all over the world…
RT @fox11sports: RT @HS_GameTime: Taking it game by game, Phantoms in position to win Bay Conference bit.ly/2dyItMj #HSGT
RT @edutopia: Bringing design thinking to the school library: edut.to/2dYEWtn #designthinking // Sponsored by @biguniverse https://…
biz thinking requires proof to proceed; #designthinking allows you to consider “what if?” @HarvardContEd
getting under way at Design Thinking workshop @HarvardContEd #designthinking pic.twitter.com/eVN6OCsC7S
RT @xkcdComic: Will It Work xkcd.com/1742/ m.xkcd.com/1742/ pic.twitter.com/7i8NcpVddr
RT @WDPactivities: Congrats to Varsity Tennis at Sub-Sectionals today. All 10 girls qualified for Sectionals!!! #GoPhantoms