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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for December 2016 « page 7
Ready for some football! #gopackgo #packers #SEAvsGB pic.twitter.com/Mqg0Psu5ui
RT @FoxNews: BREAKING NEWS: Former Astronaut and Senator John Glenn has died at age 95. pic.twitter.com/ELHinjuxRL
@tjdbango3 @Tonygio220 @geoman7447 only 2 owners spoke at mtg, both with homes on national register historic places, both against new rule
@Tonygio220 @geoman7447 I feel if city wants to maintain house, just buy it, then sell it to hand-picked buyer (ie GB and Northland Hotel)
@Tonygio220 @geoman7447 that’s the reasoning anyway; I get it, understand it, but don’t like it, so I voted no
@Tonygio220 @geoman7447 if city has very important historic house (ie George Washington lived there), new law prevents owner from destroying
homeowners can appeal decision on Local Landmark status, but final decision is with @DePereWI City Council
read agenda and watch video of tonight’s @DePereWI city council meeting; 86 min historic discussion starts at 8:39 depe.re/4dsi
city @DePereWI can now designate home as historic Local Landmark w/o owner consent; restricts certain home improvements
historic presv ord @DePereWI passed; aye: Boyd, Carpenter, Donovan, Jennings; nay: Crevier, Lueck, Raasch, Rafferty; mayor broke 4-4 tie