Tweet Archive for hashtag “#fb” « page 3

just had lunch in the @stnorbert caf with @caseymae (my first born); it was nice #fb

6:00pm May 12 2009 —

added icons to the @stnorbert press release web pages so visitors can easily tweet the press release or post it to their facebook acct #fb

6:00pm May 11 2009 —

developing a small MySQL database schema to store people data; what to store, what to generate dynamically, how apps will use the data #fb

6:00pm May 11 2009 —

my wife went out shopping, so I just got her Mothers Day gift wrapped; she won’t mind the Christmas wrapping paper #fb

6:00pm May 8 2009 —

heading to Mom’s house to get my motorcycle out of storage #fb

6:00pm Apr 9 2009 —

at choir warm-up before Holy Thursday Mass; blood is pumping; mind is clear; heart is open #triduum #fb

6:00pm Apr 8 2009 —

just talked to Lynn & Mike about putting Fr. Tim’s homilies at Our Lady of Lourdes on the internet #fb

6:00pm Apr 6 2009 —

today’s the day we celebrate the oldest American pastime; I’m voting for Rick, Mike, Rose and Shirley; I’ll see you at the polls #fb

6:00pm Apr 6 2009 —

just watched “Who Was Jesus?”, 3 hr documentary on Discovery; starts with His birth, teen yrs, adult life, then crucifixion; fascinating #fb

6:00pm Apr 5 2009 —

interesting to see how many people are tweeting about the Triduum #fb

6:00pm Apr 4 2009 —