Tweet Archive for hashtag “#gbgrad” « page 2

RT @caseymae: “Casey Crevier! You’ve just graduated from UWGB; what are you going to do next?” #gbgrad

9:40am May 12 2012 —

Tricia getting backyard pics of @caseymae #gbgrad

8:54am May 12 2012 —

looks like @caseymae is getting excited; I’m so proud; hard work pays, it always will! #gbgrad

6:58am May 12 2012 —

thanks @KellyMcBride for the great photos; we’ll be there tomorrow cheering on @caseymae #gbgrad

2:39pm May 11 2012 —

RT @KellyMcBride: More than 700 chairs, and with each one a unique story. Congrats, class of 2012! #gbgrad

2:25pm May 11 2012 —

RT @KellyMcBride: Commencement walk-thru at the Kress Center #gbgrad

2:24pm May 11 2012 —