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- De Pere, WI
Tweet Archive for November 2009 « page 4
another disgraceful Star Spangled Banner by Melanie Fiona, made worse by the kids around her with their mouths shut; #shame
We’re fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. – Japanese proverb (@jdybs twitter bio)
sitting at the @uwgb admissions office, waiting for a campus tour
Scott Walker’s challenge: thinks govt is part of the problem, yet wants to be Wisconsin governor bit.ly/4XfFWV
RT @annadrama: if i went to st norbert. pros: cheerleader, completely free college! cons: parents live there. my mom teaches there, not good
@shelleyKeith I’d be a shoelace re-tipper
@RobertCOlson I thought you might be interested; I get my SoCal news from @knx1070 and @ktla
@RobertCOlson I’m using a google calendar via ics to keep track of Olson family events; works cool; I’ll show you tomorrow