Tweet Archive for hashtag “#fail”

RT @nansen: Really!? Asking about whether people speak spanish? Another #fail. That is not a debate question! #CNNdebate #GOPdebate

1:25am Sep 17 2015 —

it’s a critical service, just keeping you informed RT @meeschhh: Why does SNC send out like 10 status updates for Snoodle #IDontCare #fail

4:40am Jan 23 2013 —

Android is the first computer I’ve ever used with a browser that does not allow me to file web bookmarks into folders #fail

5:19pm Dec 2 2010 —

@abba_ks Pro-Tip: If you’re gonna mess with the time signature & arrangement of the national anthem, sing in tune please. #NFL #fail

6:00pm Sep 9 2010 —

RT @jdwcornell: massive #FAIL. tweetdeck doesn’t pick up the new-style retweets <- that’s the prob, there should only be one style of RT

6:00pm Nov 17 2009 —

RT @mcyrulik: WOW… Umpires totally screwed the angels on that call #FAIL

6:00pm Oct 20 2009 —