Tweet Archive for hashtag “#yesdear”

daughter to wife: “it’s cold, will you give me a ride home?”; wife to daughter: “yes”; wife to me: “give daughter a ride home” #yesdear

6:00pm Dec 10 2009 —

at Lindsley’s Greenhouse in Green Bay getting flowers and crap #yesdear

6:00pm May 21 2009 —

Lindsley’s Greenhouse only takes cash/check; so now the husband finds an ATM while the wife shops for even more flowers and crap #yesdear

6:00pm May 21 2009 —

back at Lindsley’s Greenhouse where the bill is now $5 more than when I didn’t have enough cash #yesdear

6:00pm May 21 2009 —

at Home Depot with Tricia to buy laminate flooring; here we go #yesdear

6:00pm Apr 10 2009 —