Tweet Archive for hashtag “#econnect14”

RT @damabella13: CIOs say the No.1 reason they stay at their place of employment is their staff. Mgrs and non mgrs say it’s the benefits. #…

2:30pm Mar 19 2014 —

RT @damabella13: 78%of employees are disengaged at work. Become actively engaged. Mgrs must build up their teams #ECONNECT14

2:30pm Mar 19 2014 —

talking about her career, @mzyw said she once started a BBS; confused faces in the room 🙂 #econnect14

2:02pm Mar 19 2014 —

chose EYG cuz that’s where my prezi was MT @noisy_librarian: Fellow track jumpers, how are you choosing a summary session? #EConnect14

1:37pm Mar 19 2014 —

information is both a strategic asset and a risk #econnect14

8:05pm Mar 18 2014 —

BYOE security challenge: blurring of the lines between storage data and apps for personal and work purposes #econnect14

7:56pm Mar 18 2014 —

RT @mzyw: Live-googing Leading a Revolution session at #Econnect14…

6:05pm Mar 18 2014 —

RT @noisy_librarian: St. Norbert made an intentional move from “Help” Desk to “Service Desk” and moved it to a central location. #EConnect…

6:04pm Mar 18 2014 —

RT @noisy_librarian: @rclemmons Probably one of the best sessions this year thus far! Nice to meet you, too! #EConnect14

6:03pm Mar 18 2014 —

day 2 getting under way at #econnect14; stop by my presentation with @rclemmons at 10:45 on how we changed our service organization

12:59pm Mar 18 2014 —